
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Time For A Big Girl Bed


Tracie said...

S did that a few times, and then he decided to get up on the railing and jump down...right before Daddy left on a business trip for a week!!! So, we put the toddler bed up, and I have been training him all week that Daddy has been gone. It has gone rather well, but I am sure you are an old pro at this. I am a "first-timer" since my toddler is the oldest. :) Lots of changes here at our house right before the new baby comes!!!

We'll be praying that KB makes the transition well! She looks cute in the pics.

Dan Barber said...


Melanie Z. said...

Love this! If you don't have a bed for her yet, you could always take off that front rail (assuming it comes off). That's what we did w/ Sandra until we got her bed. :)

Anonymous said...

Great sequence. Did you have the automatic on or took each one? MM

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