
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mom's Visit - Entry Three

My mom is a GREAT grandmom. Seriously. I loved my own grandma's but our relationship was VERY different than my mom's with my children. (That is in no way a complaint - just an observation).

Memom ended up on the kitchen floor with the girls at one point. They all worked to get their toes to touch and then rolled the ball too and from each other. Such a simple game but super fun.

Early morning story time on the fold out couch. Little playing with her new computer (of course) and Bubba listening to the truth of the Gospel the Miss Pattycake way.
Two peas in a pod - both playing games on computers and giving silly grins.


This Place is a Disaster! said...

This is how my mother-in-law is. this is one thing that sets her apart from my own mother.

Marcie said...

That last picture and caption is precious.

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