
Friday, December 4, 2009

Aunt B

My sister finally posted to her blog and now I am free to tell you that I am going to be an Aunt again! I've known for weeks but Anna didn't tell our parents and the inlaws until Thanksgiving, so I've been keeping the secret.

In true Cheely form, Anna made the announcement using tshirts. It was fun because my brother and I were on phones which had been strategically placed in the Jackson's living room. We could hear everything. There was a speech about wanting to tell the parents how thankful they were for them. . . blah, blah, blah. . . they had gotten them gifts to show their gratitude. . . silence.

It was SO HARD not to giggle. We all expected my mom to squeal and she did NOT disappoint.

So, little BJ (baby Jackson) will be here in early July.

We couldn't be more excited!

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