
Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween - The Darlings

We had so much fun Saturday night. The kids watched 15 minutes of Peter Pan to get in the mood for the big dress up and it was just what KB needed to understand who she was supposed to be. She was VERY into it the rest of the night. Actually, all of our kids were - Bubba was in character until his hat came off and he poured out his candy bag. He called his sisters "Wendy" and "Michael" all evening - adorable.

We don't live in a neighborhood so we decided to drive to a few different friends' homes and trick-or-treat in one of their neighborhoods. We stopped at Mr. Needler's and no one was home. We stopped to see Mrs. Cindy but she was in the shower. Thankfully, Mr. and Mrs. Bronson were home so Little got to say "Trick or Treat" and hold out her bag. We had been going over the routine with the kids in the car, "You push the button ONE TIME (door bell), you say Trick or Treat, stay outside the house, open your bag, and remember to say thank you." Well, the Bronsons were standing outside and after letting the kids tell who they were commented, "Oh come in! Come in!" and took us in the house. Bubba was so confused. He looked at the door bell and then up at me and said, "Do I push it now mama?"

The Bronsons live in a gorgeous neighborhood with lots of kids and great sidewalks, so we joined in the fun there. The kids did great. KB looked hopefully for dogs at every house. Bubba walked through the routine at each door. Little chatted with the home owner about any number of things ("Sir, what are you dressed as?" and "Do you have on a Minnie Mouse dress, ma'am?" and my favorite, "Ma'am, do you have toys upstairs to play with?")

When we got home, everyone poured out their goodies and got to pick one to eat before heading to bed. Everyone picked a box of DOTS and enjoyed every chew. The whole experience was delightful.

Who would have know that Jean Bronson would play a bigger role in our evening - a portion of the day that was the antithesis of delight. Stay tuned for that story. (Mwaaa-aaa-aaaaaa!)


misty said...

Hey! It's been way too long! I saw Andy and Brooke in my SS class this morning. It was so fun seeing them. It of course made me think of you and miss you. I enjoyed catching up with you via the blog. Would love to see you in person sometime!

Anonymous said...

My grandchildren are absolutely adorable and hilarious!!!!MM

Debbie said...

What great costumes--they looked adorable!! Sounds like a great night, although I am anxious to hear the rest of the story . . .

Dan said...

I saw you waiting with Little this morning for the fun!

annaj said...


jessica said...

What a super cute idea! I love it!

Unknown said...

First of all - ADORABLE costumes...what a great idea! I've been super-behind on my blog-reading and just sat down tonight to catch up a bit. I was very surprised to learn I won a Storybook Bible and then that another Amy W had actually won it. I'm glad you found the right one! Just didn't want you to think I had stopped checking in on the Blue Hutch. Hope y'all have a great week! - Amy Wood

Kitty said...

I just want to know why Honey isn't dressed up as Peter Pan. Really.

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