
Thursday, September 3, 2009


KB - First Day of School (Mother's Morning Out, really)

Let me start by saying, if you know me, then you know KB. Seriously. Not a timid bone in this girl's body. Her daily report, which the teachers stuck in her backpack, read, "I was very brave on the playground. I liked being with my friends. I especially liked hugging them."

Here she is, ready to go:

They are learning colors this semester and so the teachers asked that they wear the color they will be discussing. Memom whipped this up for us, thankfully.

KB was eager to get inside and get started.

See how eager. Here I am trying to take a picture - make sure child #3 never feels slighted - and she is unable to concentrate for peeking in the room to see who is already there.

Her teachers (Mrs. Tammy and Mrs. Michelle):

Her artwork (red!):

She was so hyped up from her morning that it took an extra hour and a half for her to fall asleep. Then she slept so hard it was tough to wake her.

I'd say we both had a good time and both are eager for next week.
(On a side note, I CANNOT believe my baby is about to be two and is carrying a backpack, etc.)


Debbie said...

What a big girl! Love the red dress and matching bow--so cute :).

Julia said...

That picture of KB peeking into her classroom her profile looks like her big sister Little. Typical of a Little photo that she turns her head the momentyou snap her photo. Which is like the Dings when I try to get a photo op with them. I love watching you little ones grow.

Allison said...

that picture of her in her glasses and backpack smiling so big is ADORABLE!! I have seen a scowl or two like that from my third child, although his is usually followed by a loud "NO!!" i know that her mdo will be good for both of you!!

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