
Friday, September 4, 2009

Around the Table

Once the Flip was out for Bub's birthday, it was silly not to use it more. Here are the kids from dinner the other night. Good times.


This Place is a Disaster! said...

I lOVE it when he sings!

Julia said...

My favorite line of the song was "sometimes we go to snack.." OR am I having one of those moments when you here a song and your lyrics don't quite match that lyrics when you see them in print. You go for years thinking the verse of the song is one way and feel like an idiot becuase once you hear the right word you then realize how silly you were singing that song with the wrong word FOR YEARS sometimes.

glenda said...

Becky, these video's were a joy to share with you. Thanks so much, they were sweet!! I especially loved watching Thomas's facial expressions while the family gave him the letters. Priceless!!! Love, glenda

Julia said...

Just viewed the clip another time...that KB and her whaaw-whaaw fish got lost on me. Love me some Kick-Kids!

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