
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

VBS Crafts 2008 Countdown

One day down. Three to go.
The hand print cards we made today went well. The theme was, "God gives us power to help others." We used nature print paper and had the sun imprint their hands and then glued that onto the front of a card they decorated for the shut-ins at our church. The kids were skeptical at first but when they saw their paper begin to change colors they got excited. They did a GREAT job decorating the insides of their cards too. I was impressed with their eagerness and thankful for their cooperativeness.
Tomorrow: tshirts
Cross your fingers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Emily Cheely says:
Hey we did powerlab last week...Jesus gives us the power to be THANKFUL! AHA!...I took Carley, she would not say anything until we left then she talked to Mama and Daddy about it when we got home. Then she would say "Jesus gives us the power, AHA" like we did at church. Powerlab is fun. We made the slime and headbands, all kind of weird stuff.

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