Thanks to someone at a blog I can't remember, I got a GREAT idea for a father's day gift for my Honey. My honey really enjoys washing the car - in a crazy way that makes no sense to my female mind. The tip was that over Memorial Day weekend, ACE Hardware had this huge sale and all these rebates and as I perused the list I came up with the following: 1-64 oz. Concentrated Car Washing liquid stuff (because you can't wash the hoopty Lumina with dish soap), 1 no hands tire cleaning stuff, 6 Microfiber Auto Cloths, and a 50 foot no-kinks water hose. Yes, folks, a car washing dream (and probably the equivalent of a blender for mother's day).
"Oh frugal rockstar, how much did you pay?" you are asking. I answer, humbly yet with a monster grin, "$5!!!!"
Go Me!
Go Me!
It's Your Birthday!
It's Your Birthday!
I included this tidbit for my Honey as part of his gift so this post will be no surprise for him :)
Now, I have Bunco this weekend and $5 to spend on a "Summer Fun" themed "prize". How much do I think I can get. . .
And how did Jeremy like the gift? Not the price, the gift? M
what a great idea! i love all your posts about saving!!
to answer your question on my blog, we are at red mountain church. it's smaller and meets in the city, where we feel called to ministry. it's a wonderful little church! hope you and yours are well!
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