
Thursday, October 13, 2011

I'm Here - RU Still with Me?

It has been 14 days since I last posted.  FOURTEEN DAYS! I think that is a record.  Life has been zipping by and I haven't had time to breathe, much less write about my breaths.  Right now my youngest has a friend over and they are dancing around in KB's pajamas, so I am going to seize the moment and see what I can type.

1.  Fall has come to the Midwest and we literally have to wade through leaves to get to the van.  I LOVE it and have put pumpkins and candy corn on most of our flat surfaces.

2.  There's been a lot of soccer and Bubba has loved it.  They won a game and it didn't even seem to phase him.  I don't mind that.  Honey makes a point of asking each week if he had fun and if he learned anything new about soccer.  It's cute.

3.  Last week was a whirlwind.  Honey was in Las Vegas from Monday to Wednesday night LATE.  I left Thursday after lunch and was in the south with my extended family until Monday.  I now feel completely discombobulated and ready to settle back down into a "routine".  (Who am I kidding? There is no routine here.  Try as I may to create one, the Lord seems to think that my sanctification is more important and I obviously have control issues.  Sorry, we now return to our regularly scheduled blog post.)

4.  The trip to Birmingham and Atlanta was fun.  Seeing my brother was a real treat (Andrew, I wrote Hannah Kate about doing a trunk show) and WAY too short.  In heaven I still hope to have a mansion on the same block as him.  Time with my mother and sister was super.  We laughed a LOT.  Several friends from seminary were at the conference and it was nice to see their familiar faces.  There was little to NO free time and I was sad I couldn't see my dear friends in Atlanta - so close and yet so far.   (Amy and Jackie we'll have to try again.  Direct flights to the gateway city aren't too pricey and you are welcome anytime!!)

5.  Honey finished another class in his quest for a second masters degree and that means we are officially halfway done. Only three classes left (I think) and then a big project.  Sounds so simple. . .

6.  Took Bubs to the eye doctor today to see if the patching has been working.  His acuity is much better but the eye is still turning and Dr. G says the only reasonable action is another surgery.  So, we'll be scheduling that in the next couple days.

That's all I can do right now.  I have pictures on the camera to share and I am sure there are stories to be told.  It's more important right now that I stop clicking away on the keyboard and listen to KB and her friend Lillian singing "O Come Let Us Adore Him" in the kitchen while playing with Playdoh.  (Don't you hate you are missing that!!)


Julia said...

I suddenly feel connected again with your post! I am sitting in my 5th *bucks in 2.5 days. I needed that post to get me through to my next appointment that is at 5:30 which to me is two long hours away! I can hear KB singing with joy and dancing as she creates. let's not wait another 14 days...I need a BH blog fix.

Anonymous said...

I was with you all weekend but I still need a "blog fix" more often than 14 days. Laughter doeth good like a medicine and you make me laugh! Memom

Tracie said...

If you have the picture from the conference that you could share with me from Memom's camera, that would be fantastic. I loved getting to know your family better!!

Debbie said...

You have been missed! I am so glad you had a great time with your family. Wish I could have joined in with all that laughter :). Glad you are back!

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