
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wonderful Words

The wife of one of our professors was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.  Her treatment starts soon and we received an email today encouraging us in how to pray.  Part of that email was a quote from  the letters of 17th Century Scottish pastor Samuel Rutherford and a bit of comment from a sermon in which it was included.  The words were so wonderful I wanted to share them with you.

“In one of those letters, Rutherford wrote to a much afflicted woman these glorious words:
Madam, when ye are come to the other side of the water, and have set down your foot on the shore of glorious eternity, and look back again to the waters and to your wearisome journey, and shall see, in that clear glass of endless glory, nearer to the bottom of God’s wisdom, ye shall then be forced to say, “If God had done otherwise with me than He hath done, I had never come to the enjoying of this crown of glory.”

When I read that God loves us with an everlasting love, that his people are always upon his heart, that he weeps with those who weep, that we never pass through a trial but that he passes through it with us, I am persuaded that Rutherford must be right.”         (Rutherford, Rayburn)

Oh, that the things of earth would grow strangely dim in the light of HIS glory and grace. 


Carolyn Phillips said...

Amen, Becky!

Julia said...

I've been missing my BH fix. When I am on the road it is nice to reconnect reading your blog...

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