
Monday, October 18, 2010

Tradition - Not Just a Song on Broadway!

I am doing a little workshop on traditions and I need your help.  Would you please take a minute to comment and tell me about traditions in your home and maybe those you grew up with?

Friends of my mom - this would be a great time to comment.  You don't have to put your name but initials are a must (for my sake).

If you have the where-with-all, would you also tell me what family value you think the traditions touches on?

Thanks guys.  Hurry.  Comment now.  Time's a wastin'!


Anonymous said...

reading the Bible/ Birth of Jesus in Luke before opening presents at Christmas. taught the true meaning of Christmas as well as thankfulness and patience. we also do a birthday cake for Jesus that I think is a fun tradition.

we (family) call each other on our birthdays. we have special movies we watch each holiday as a family. these all teach about the value of family and making time for your family.

i'm sure i can think of more.


Debbie said...

Growing up, each Valentine's Day, my dad would make up a treasure hunt for us kids out of kids valentines. Each clue would rhyme and have something to do with the picture on the front. At the end of the hunt we would find a little Valentine surprise. Now I get to carry along the tradition with my girls.

This tradition taught us to work as a team, to share, and to be thankful for small surprises.

I'll see what others I can come up with :).

Julia said...

Every summer we would take a family vacation. Each year we would choose a book to read. My entire family would take turns reading the book aloud to one another. In the car or around the campsite we would take turns. My favorite book I have to say was The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien.

amy said...

we have our thanksgiving tree that i love. the tree goes up november 1st and has the leaves from previous years on it with things that we are thankful for...we each add a leaf each year with our name, year and what we are thankful for written on it. can't wait to see how it grows over the years!

also, we do the desiring God advent calendar each year. LOVE IT. on christmas morning, we do a treasure hunt for our gifts. the girls love running around the house to open gifts. it makes the amount of gifts seem larger. i love that the treasure hunt ends with some kind of clue leading us back to the advent calendar where we remember "Jesus is the greatest treasure of all..."

Anonymous said...

Our tradition was to have a biscuit coffeecake for our Christmas morning breakfast in addition to sausage balls. As a family, meal times were always important. Unless there was a good reason, such as an activity or that sort, we always ate our meals together at the kitchen table as FAMILY. We didn't allow standing at the counter or eating in other rooms, unless ALL of Us were there together. At our meal time, we'd discuss the day we had, anything special that may have happened, etc. This was our way of staying in touch with each other. I believe it kept our family knitted together and relayed to our children the importance of our time together. There are others, but for me, this is the one that I believe with all my heart has kept us in touch. Glenda

Anonymous said...

You know about this tradition, our moms started it along with our other Aunts! We make Christmas ornaments and send them to family instead of gifts. I still love decorating the tree and remembering recieving that ornament in the mail its getting harder to remember which one came which Christmas but our tree looks full of love.
another Cheely in Laurens, SC

annaj said...

WELL... My dad and I would always go chop down a real tree for Christmas - he even checked me out of school to do it one year b/c he had to leave town. Christmas morning, my family would always get on our parents' bed and Dad would read Luke 2 and pray before we opened presents. Dad would make omelets for brunch. We always got a new game to play together that afternoon.

At Thanksgiving, our family would go around the table and tell something we were thankful for, but we couldn't say Jesus! :-)

On our birthday, we got our favorite meals! Parties were only every-other-year, then just the big ones.

We played travel games together in the car on vacation, but not until we left the city! And we would always eat in the car!! I loved leaving while it was still dark and stopping for breakfast down the road.

And when the seasons changed, Mom made us try on everything in our closet from last year to see if it still fit!

jenny said...

Your sister taught me this one - at dinner time when you all sit down together you play HIGH/LOW of the day. Love it!