
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

KB "Talks" to Daddy

While Honey was gone to General Assembly we barely spoke. It wasn't anything hostile, it was just that he was working so darn hard from breakfast until nearly midnight.

Thursday evening he did call but I was giving the kids a bath and I couldn't get to the phone. He left a message and when I pushed the button to listen, KB heard his voice and got so very excited. She answered every question he asked, not understanding why he wasn't responding in kind. Turn your volume up - this is well worth your minute!!


amy said...

so precious and a little sad too. sweet girl.

Julia said...

that was so worth it! thanks for sharing.

Jawan said...

Oh, goodness....such tender sweet love for her daddy. I love love love this video! Please show it at her wedding rehearsal!

Debbie said...

I LOVE that!! I also love that your daugther knows what buttons to push to play a message over and over :). I am not sure my kids know how to do that!