
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Day Two - Done

Dear Honey,

I hope you are having so much fun.

Tuesday was a good day at home. Things went along swimmingly and I even got to spend five hours of the evening with Marcie. It was fun being with her knowing you would be chatting with her Honey at the same time.

Little woke up at 11:30PM with a FULL pull-up and a wet bed. I waited too long to get in there and change her and give her medicine. She didn't go back to sleep until. . . she didn't go back to sleep.

I hope you are having so much fun.


Bring on Day Three

1 comment:

Marcie said...

So sad Little didn't go back to sleep. I hope she was quiet so you could get some.

I LOVED our time together. Can't wait to do it again soon.