
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day One - Done

Honey is in Nashville, TN.
He left yesterday.
Day one is done.

It went pretty well, I must say. There was about 10 min. of all breaking loose right at 6:00PM but then I left for a Women's Council meeting and when I got back all was quiet *smile*. The sitter said everyone did well.

Little didn't wake up this morning until 5:45AM!!!

Bring on Day Two!


Anonymous said...

I'll see you on day 4. Will you need aspirin? :-)

Melanie Z. said...

You can do it! Eric just got back from a Saturday to Saturday trip to India. We made it, but I scheduled a massage for myself for tomorrow to try to undo some of the knots. :) We were very well cared for by our friends here...and I basically said "yes" every time people offered to help!