
Monday, November 23, 2009

God's Provision

I have a very distinct memory of riding in the car with my family and my father posing a question. He asked us, "If you were to ask God for a car, what would you want it to look like?" We started listing off things - blue, four doors, AC, radio with tape deck, etc. I remember him telling us we were going to start praying for that car. . . with those specifics. I remember I did. Know what else? I remember the day my daddy came home and told us the church where he was a pastor had decided to begin providing cars for the senior staff and ours was going to be a four door, blue Corsica with AC and a radio with tape deck. I remember that God became realer to me then and I understood for the first time that He cares about the little things that bring me joy.

I love photos. (Wasn't sure you had picked up on that one) While we were in seminary we lived on a VERY small income and our family grew by two children. There would have been no way for me to purchase portraits of our babies - no way. My God knows I value photos and He cares about the little things that bring me joy. Once again He decided this was something He was going to give me and Picture People sent us a book of coupons for free portraits and I used those to get 8x10 portraits of both Little and Bubba for three years! FREE!

Once KB had come along, Picture People had stopped their free promotions but JCPenney has coupons and we moved 2 miles from a Penneys. It's funny - I have more desire for family photos and group shots and Penneys is even a better deal!

I am so thankful for a father who had faith and strove to pass that on to his children.
I am so thankful for a Father that loves me so much that He would care enough to provide portraits of my kids.
I am thankful for Penneys *wink*

So cute I couldn't resist.

Sweet KB's two year old portrait - love that leg!


Debbie said...

What a cute family!! KB's picture is just adorable!! I am thankful, too, that our Father cares about even the smallest details of our lives.

Allison said...

First, I love the photos. Especially the one of KB. What a cutie.
SEcond, thanks for sharing the story about the car. What an encouragement to me this morning as a reminder of our God who IS faithful.
Thankful for you, my friend. have a wonderful thanksgiving!

annaj said...

Precious! Precious! Precious!

Allison said...

that picture is so stinkin cute!! I love the story about the car, too. what an encouragement and challenge to trust HIm more for the "little" things!

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