
Monday, October 12, 2009

Pumpkin Lovahs

I love Fall. I love the temperatures. I love the changing leaves. I love pumpkins. As the momma I dictate the attitude of my family about Fall. My children will love Fall - the weather, leaves, and pumpkins. Little has lived through five Octobers now and she has officially caught on - a kindred spirit.

We went to the pumpkin patch on Saturday and I had told Jeremy I wanted to get a couple pictures before the kids ran off and inevitably got covered in the mud left by the previous three days of torrential downpour. I then turned to the children and said, "Why don't you guys sit on this hay here and let momma take a picture of you?" The hay was covered with pie pumpkins. Little sat down and said, "Sit here, Bubba." She then picked up a pumpkin and set it in her lap. Her next words were, "Get a pumpkin and hold it, Bubba." Honey then put KB on the hay and I took the photo.

As you can see, Bubba hasn't really bought into it yet. But, then again he hasn't been indoctrinated with quite the same "full court press".



Now, Bubs was there but look, no pumpkin. . .


Again, Bubba with no pumpkin!



Too big to hold!


Of course she knew just what to do.


Annie said...

I love Little holding her rainbow fish in 2005. I remember a previous post about her year of the rainbow fish and it made me smile to see evidence that she really did take it everywhere!

Now if only some random soul cared enough about MY blog to notice little things like that on MY blog. ;) :)


~Mad said...

My, they have grown so.....


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