The Bedside Table Drawer

He Wasn't Afraid to Get Wet (Arch Book)
Preschool Complete Curriculum
Edge of His Ways (Amy Carmichael)
I Spy
Folk and Fairy Tale set
Because He Loves Me
Our Special Child
2008 Educational Catalog
Famous Footwear coupon
Community Education brochure
Christmas wish list from last year
Empty file folder
2 legal pads
unopened bath squirters (toys for kids)???
Sight word flash cards
cosmetic bag
1 page protector
2 paper clips
1 spiral notebook
2006-2007 calendar
car adapter for recharging the camera battery (would be more beneficial in the car!)
2 bottles Tylenol PM (unopened)
Leslie Sansone DVD
Leslie Sansone book on CD
4 kids' CDs
1 pen
1 plastic clip thingy
47 packs of gum (all were free); 16 of which came up from the kitchen drawer yesterday
Basically, none of it belongs in this drawer. For the moment I put a couple things back in:

That is not what you would find in my bedside drawer . . .however, I can't say I really use anything in my drawer! Sounds like I need a good cleaning too!
I have my socks beside my bed!!!
This is so encouraging to me. My husband just issued me an ultimatum when he reached for glue in our kitchen "junk" drawer and came up with a bottle of KY. With my brother-in-law and oldest nephew looking over his shoulder. I don't even know why it was there!
I have to ask, do you guys chew a lot of gum? You have packs and packs in your kitchen junk drawer too. I guess it could be worse, right?
I have underwear and pjs in my top drawer and socks and workout clothes and socks in the bottom one. This is my only bedroom drawer space, so I have to make it count!
okay, only because lifemoreabundant brought it up - but I realized that my 18 month old was playing in the drwer next to my bed when he started crying. He came to me with his tongue sticking out wiping it again and again . . .he found the "warming KY"!"
TMI? Perhaps, but oh so funny!
All I want to know is how you got all that free gum! I would be in heaven!!!
Oh, Becky, you just made me feel so much better! I am not the only one with drawers filled with random stuff! :)
Love, Mindy
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