
Friday, October 30, 2009

More on the Bed

I have been taught my whole life that you get up, you make the bed. I seriously can't remember a day when I have left my bed unmade; it's just part of sliding out of bed in the morning (Yes, I have deep issues).

Anyway, just read an article in the past month that said you should NEVER make your bed right after you get out of it! You should go shower and let the sheets air and then come back and make the bed. It cuts down on dust mites and all those buggy things you see on TV specials that gross you out so badly you never want to get in bed again.

That's all.


Dan said...

Girl, let me set you free. I set April free, and she has been freed indeed! The bed can be left unmade, for extended periods of time. It won't get its feelings hurt. It doesn't even care. And no one will think less of you...

Debbie said...

I don't know about the whole airing out thing. Sounds like a good idea, but old habits die HARD!! My hubby would just be happy for me to leave the bed unmade for more than 2 minutes after he gets out of it :).

Anonymous said...

Well, I make my bed under two circumstances: I've just put on fresh sheets or someone is coming to see the house (it's on the market, although I'm not getting this reason as often as I'd like.) In British Columbia Canada (where I grew up and my in-laws still live) there was a bed bug out break and the schools were actually handing out "don't make your bed every day" reminders to families to help fight the bed bugs. I'm so pleased to know my sloppiness is healthy. :-)

Dawn said...

I'm so happy to learn that I'm not lazy, just healthy!

Shannon a.k.a. that thing you see moving under the laundry said...

um, let me tell you how deeply freeing it is to NOT make your bed. i used to be the same way. The bed was made (including sheets freshly tucked under the matress) every single day. Now with the babies, many things have gone by the wayside. The bed, and my usual uptight cleanliness (both personal and home) included...Just let it go one day. you will feel so much better!

Andy and Brooke Cheely said...

You make me smile. I think I read the same article and decided I prefer the satisfaction of a made bed that I can see. I choose to ignore the invisible creepy crawlies. My issues are at least as deep as yours! :)

Andy and Brooke Cheely said...

On second thought, maybe those creepy crawlies should have a little time to be set free. I'll have to give this some more thought.

Anonymous said...

I love this post! It makes me feel so good about my ALWAYS unmade bed!

Anonymous said...

Per your comments, this has GOT to be part of a rebellious attitude of the NEW generation since I'm part of the one that taught you to make your bed when you get up. I don't know whether to appreciate the maturity of doing your own thinking or to tell you, "Get over it and get in their and make your bed." MM :) (Go Debbie!)

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