
Friday, October 2, 2009

It's Been Awhile

It's been awhile since I rocked Walgreens but today was a fun day. I went to a different store where I like the lady who works in the cosmetics department. She actually followed me until she could get to me and say, "When you are ready to check out just come to the cosmetic counter." and winked! I laughed and said I would do it and her response was, "This is so fun!"

We did seven different transactions and I ended up with this:

a $139 value for $38 (Little's pull-ups killed me). The Reeses cup was purchased so that I could use a register reward to pay for the transaction. Pay $.50 to save $9 - okay!

Side Note:
I also had a VERY good Schnucks week!
18 lbs. of Pork Butt
3 packs of hot dogs (yes, we eat hot dogs)
4 boxes of pasta
2 boxes of Cheezits
16 lbs. of sugar
3 multi-packs of yogurt


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the picture--I needed a new razor so when I went to pick up some pictures, I checked out the razors and got my $6 rebate!! I also got an awesome deal on my pictures :-)

Jo Ann

annaj said...

are those facial cleansers or wrinkle creams? it's time for me to start using the latter and i need recommendations.

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