
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Follow Up

It's funny to me that people outside my family read this blog. I am so "stream of consciousness" about topics. It is nice that people find our family interesting and my style not overly distracting.

Where is this coming from? I just got an email from a friend asking how Little's sleep is coming along. I realized I never wrote about it. Never told you the MRI results. Never told you which headboard we chose. My stream just kept flowing onward.  So, here's some follow up to these unanswered questions.

Little has seven stickers on her chart which means about 7/10 nights have been great. She is still waking up just before 6:00AM but the girl has rarely ever slept past six in her five years of life so this is normal for us. Thank you for your prayers - you don't have to quit. Oh, and Monkey Joe's is an indoor play land full of inflatables.

Bubba's MRI results showed that his brain form was normal. So the nurse called and told me his brain was normal and I just laughed. Structure = normal. Autism = not so normal. Thank you for your prayers.

The headboard. It was delightfully curious to see who went for what style. Very Fun. I went for this one:

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