
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Tonight with the Kicks

We were laying on the floor reading our Bible story for the night. Little wanted to read about the fall again (chapter 2: The Big Lie) and I was fine reading it to her after the way the day had gone. So we are reading along and the end of the chapter made me cry, of course. So, I am crying to the point I can barely read. I finish the chapter, close the book and just sit there for a minute. KB wipes a tear from my cheek saying, "oh, mommy." Little wipes a tear from my cheek and says, "Can I go to Trader Joe's and have the red buggy, momma?"


Annie said...

very, very funny!
Interestingly, my boys pick up on my emotions much more quickly than Sophie does. When I cry, they are the ones to run and hug me and ask me what's wrong and Sophie either just stares or is clueless that I am even sad. :) God makes each child different! :)

porternews said...

Love it! I often sit around wondering what the world would be like if we all acted and talked like 2 year olds. They are so random it cracks me up.

annaj said...

i love your kids

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