
Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day in Review

We went to the park today - one we don't usually frequent. It was beee-u-ti-ful with just a slight breeze. Honey and I were sitting on a bench watching our three little ones run and play when a man came walking toward us with his son in his arms. As they passed we heard the boy repeating, "We don't pee pee on the playground." Soon after, we moved to the other playground just down the hill.

We met friends for lunch at Chickfila. Honey and Bubba wore "their" team's logo and got free sandwiches. I, being more into Jesus than sports (tee hee) took my church bulletin and got a free sandwich! That's actually not the point of the story. The real story is that after being in our seats five minutes, I look over and Joshua Steven is laying one on my Little! Turns out she had told him she had a boo boo on her cheek and he was kissing it to make it better. Yeah, right. I bet that's what he says to all the five year olds.

On the way home, the Steve Green album Hide Them in Your Heart was playing. We were listening to "Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies." They sing through the verse a second time holding their tongues - which makes them sound silly, of course. The song ends and a little girl on the cd says, "Can I let go of my tongue now?" Honey burst out laughing. I just turned to look at him. He said, "Have I heard that before?" My only response, "We have had that cd playing for five years, Honey."

It was a good day.


april said...

Sad I didn't see you at the Chick...we saw Honey and KB. She jumped up in my lap and let me hug and kiss her! Glad you had a good day!

Debbie said...

We enjoyed our free CFA sandwiches, too :). Glad you had such a nice day.

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