
Sunday, November 2, 2008

This Week's Great Deal

We get an email newsletter from Michelle Easter sends the email chock full of great deals for her readers. Two weeks ago she told us about a deal Amazon was running on toys. We have been wanting to get Bubba some Tinkertoys and they were part of the deal. We bought the Tinkertoys and got a Mr. Potato Head free! (Another toy on my "wish for kiddos" list)

This weekend the newsletter had a GREAT deal for Walgreens written out. Instead of trying to explain it in my own terms, I have decided to quote Michelle here:

"If you missed all the free diapers this summer, you can get cheap ones this week, but it depends on getting your hands on the $50 coupon savings book from the pharmacy. ←It's a pamphlet they reward you with, if you listen to the spiel about the W card. Go to the pharmacy and ask, and keep asking until you are successful. (No, you don't have to join to get it, so if they tell you that, that's wrong.*) Then, when it comes time to use the $2 diaper coupon, DON'T cut it out. Present the pamphlet folded with the diaper coupon showing. Hand it toward the cashier so he/she can scan it. They don't actually need the paper coupon. If they insist on taking it, there's not much you can do, but most will let you keep it. Here is the diaper deal that starts this week (Nov 2): Walgreens brand jumbo diapers $8.99 and B1G1F.- $2 rx coupon takes $4 off - .90 for W card members = 2/$4.09*

If you plan to really stock up, then it is worth it to get the W card. That costs $20 a year, but you get back 10% of all Walgreens brand purchases, including the purchase of Walgreens gift cards. It's pretty easy to start making a profit on the W card. Save your receipts from the diaper purchases, then enter them on-line after you get your actual Wcard in the mail, for your 10% bonus. This diaper deal will get even better if (big IF) there is a $5/$20 coupon the weekend of Nov 7-8. If that is the case, you'll need to remember that the $2 pharmacy coupon counts against your total to reach the $20 threshold. You'd have to buy 8 packs for $36 + tiny filler, - $16 (8x$2 pharmacy c/o)- $5/$20 coupon (if it exists)- $3.60 for W card members. Final price 8/$11.40. Let's cross our fingers for a $5/$20 coupon that weekend."

How's THAT for a tip??? I am going to wait until Friday to do it just in case there is a coupon. If there is, then I will visit a couple Walgreens over the weekend!

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