
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Stream of Consciousness - and no picture

I am not sure anyone will read this. It has been so long since I posted, I am sure that everyone has given up checking The Blue Hutch. Still, I need to get random thoughts out, so here we go.

It has been a crazy house around here. I didn't eat breakfast or lunch today! KB is into everything and on to so much I am constantly on alert. Little and Bubba's schedules with school and the bus keep the day interesting and a juggling act, for sure. The yard sale blog has been great (just added 3-6m girls) but has taken time away from this blog for sure. AND this weekend is our church's women's retreat and I have been involved with the planning. I LOVE this stuff but I don't feel on top of my game detail-wise.

You all know about my addiction - getting a good deal is such an addiction for me. So, this retreat has been a way to "feed the beast". Our church is feeling the financial crunch of the world and so it was fun to see just how much we could do with the upcoming weekend without spending too much. We bought the folders months ago when there were pre-school sales so we only had to pay $.10 each. We needed colored pencils for a project and bought those at the same pre-school sales so they were $.50 for 12. By waiting until TODAY to get some of the decor, I got it at Hobby Lobby for 50% off since it's "late Fall" and Christmas is "just around the corner" or something.

These types of things will allow us to have special details and keep the cost down so that younger gals can attend. God has also provided so much scholarship money - an answer to specific prayer. We purposefully charged folks ALOT less than we were being charged and have turned no member away, even if they couldn't pay. We have seen the Lord provide for so many in amazing ways. It is so encouraging.

We need that kind of encouragement since our car blew a gasket (literally) this week and is costing a small fortune to repair. Can't talk about it. . .

Oooh, Honey is home so I am going to go. I'll check in after the retreat. Pray for Honey - 24 hours with the kids *smile*. I am not the least bit worried!


Anonymous said...

I hope that your weekend was truly a "retreat" for you. I am heading to our church women's retreat today, too. Will gets our girls for 48 hours :). May God refresh you and give you the time to "be still and know".

Marcie said...

I guess that is why you were on my heart last night. I figured lack of blogging mean chaos at home. I will continue to pray for you guys. I hope your weekend is splendid rest!

annaj said...

have so much fun! love you!

Anonymous said...

I was about to call and make sure everything was OK. I figured it was a busy house that kept you away from the blog. Hope the retreat is great! enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I check for you every day! I filled my time with catching up on your contributions to YouTube...your kiddos sang to me.

Home today - little surgery yesterday - took all day but went fine. Working on getting my head back together away from the office today.

Anesthesia is for the birds!
Have a good retreat - I am inspired by the way you save money!!!


(I just did a spellcheck on this comment...I don't think I am back 100% yet! HA! and you know how I am about it's back to bed for me..)

Catherine said...

Well done on those bargains - you're a bargain queen! Have a great retreat, I hope you really get to RETREAT and revive.

Love Cath

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