
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

It's Raining, It's Pouring . . .

I only thought I was kidding here when I made my Wikipedia reference, but it turns out that the Blue Hutch family DOES actually define the colloquialism "When it rains, it pours".

KB's tests came back positive for Vesicoureteral Reflux. That means when she needs to "void" (or tinkle, as we moms say) some goes out and some goes back up toward her kidneys. You can read a bit about it here.
I just read about it there and now plan to call Dr. Dave back to ask questions (I didn't know what to ask when he called last night).

What he did say was that he expects KB to grow out of it and that, for now, we'll put her on a daily dose of a preventative antibiotic. And then he tagged on Oh, and some kids have an allergic reaction to the medication - if I see a rash or "breakage in the skin" just call him. WHAT is the DEAL with doctors????

This morning our family sat together and watched Steven Curtis Chapman and his family on Good Morning America. One of the things I heard him say, through my tears and sobs, was that they are a family with questions, but that's what faith is - living with the questions. They don't doubt their Faith, but they do have questions. AMEN and AMEN.


Allison said...

that was my favorite part of the interview this morning, too. I was right there with you, sobbing through it all.
LOVE the pic of Thomas. I put in a pic too, but totally think you shoudl win.

John and Sue Burch said...

I tivo'ed GMA so that I made sure I did not miss the interview. The part that ministered to me was that grieving is beautiful somedays and like a mountain on others. (or something like that) For me grief is beautiful as you remember precious memories and the joys of having the person around, and hard and challenging like climbing a mountain because the missing of the person can get so hard to bare and overwhelming at times. I really appreciated all they had to share. Love you Kicklighters! Oh - I think Ruthanne's friend in Australia had that same problem as KB.

Christy said...

Hi! Although you don't know me, Jawan sent me the link to this post because my daughter went through the exact same diagnosis. Actually, hers was quite severe, requiring 2 different surgeries. I know how you feel and what you are experiencing with this one!

If ever you want to hear about our experience or ask my any questions... please feel free to email ( (I actually know your husband from when he was in college with my brother, Kevin).

I would love to hear from you!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear! I am glad that the doctor thinks she will outgrow it. We'll pray that there is NO allergic reaction.

Elizabeth Dark Wiley said...

One of Olivia's new friends has this too. She's been on daily low does antibiotics since she was 3 weeks old. The doctors think she'll grow out of it as well, but for now the antibiotics have kept her from having constant infections.