
Thursday, August 7, 2008


My husband actually said (several months ago), "What ever happened to the flylady?" THAT is not a good sign.

When our computer died and we were using his work laptop in the evenings for me to check email, I unsubscribed from the clutter free queen so that the inundation of email would cease.  I have just not signed back up.

Until Sunday, August 3, 2008.  I am once again experiencing the influx of Flylady emails and encouragement to spend 15 minutes doing SOMETHING profitable.

This months new habit greeted me as I opened Outlook bright and early.

Mine is all up to date, thanks to memom's recent visit and my persistence ever since.  Still, I loved the little quote she included and had to share with you.  If I had an adorable laundry room, I might get this framed to put on the bright blue walls beside some cherry red accent pieces,
"A load a day will keep Mount Washmore at bay!"

I'm off to put a load in the dryer.


Anonymous said...

Hmm. . . A load a day would be a good idea, but how about 3 today and none tomorrow :)?

Anonymous said...

Hey Becky - I signed up to only get one email a day from Flylady. I am loving learning to fly w/ my sister Kelly :) My load is in the washer right now...and yes it will sit there until I get off work! Oh well....