The week is over. The crafts are done. The room is clean. The excess has been returned or stored. All that's left is typing up my thoughts for whomever signs on to do this next year, wrapping the cards we made for our church's
home bound, and turning in the couple of receipts I found today. (Insert exhale here).
All the crafts turned out great and everyone had a good time. It was fun to meet the children and see who goes with whom (kids/parents).
Here's Little showing off her photo album,
kaleidoscope, and
tshirt. You can't hear her, of course, but she's also saying, "I
maded it myself! I
maded it myself!"

She had a great week, too, with many thanks to Elise - a teenager who shadowed her throughout the week and helped with all her special little needs. I have been told she was a delight - a good word for my anxious heart. I know she had a ball and explained to me Thursday that Jesus HAD to die on the cross because He was the only one who had never sinned. (tears in my eyes even NOW as I think about it). I have such little faith - I am so thankful for the Body and their care for my baby. (Incidentally, she also learned to say, "Gosh", to quickly change it to "Goodness Me!", and to say, "Darn it!")
The week culminated in a dinner on Friday night and a "Power Lab Explosion" where we met the "characters" who helped teach our kids throughout the week and heard the children sing several of their songs. My Little stood up there and SANG and also SIGNED in the right places. Such a differences from just Christmas where she had only mastered the standing part!! I cried and prayed thanks to Jesus while my baby signed and sang, "Come to Jesus."

(Okay, so she was a move behind everyone else - who gives a flying fig!!!)
I am glad to have been a part. Glad it is done. Glad there will be more in the future!
God is good - all the time.
Golly Gee Willikers!
Or as the minister to Adults would say,"Shoot a Monkey."
Ahhhhhhhh..precious, precious.
Love. ~Mad
She looks so big!
You did a spectacular job, B. Really and truly, your hard work paid off...thanks for ALL you did! I sat in on a couple of sessions of Calvin's group, which Little was in, too. And she is just adorable and I so enjoyed watching her interact and be her sweet self. God bless Elise!
And incidently, I'm still fascinated by the slime and all bodily function noises that one can make with it!
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