
Thursday, March 13, 2008

On a roll . . . and showing off!

To celebrate the fact that we start back swimming today and I can't find any of the multiple pairs of swimming diapers we have SOMEWHERE in this cluttered house, I decluttered/cleaned up the second floor landing. Tah Dah.
(This picture not only is humiliating to me, I am sure my mom is somewhere, shaking her head and asking, "Where did I go wrong?" Sorry, mom.)
Now I have a clean landing, no swim diapers, 2 napping children, one screaming infant and 1 1/2 hours until we head off to the pool.


Jawan said...

Mitch and I want to see a picture of this same landing three days later. HA!

Marcie said...

You rock! I am so proud of you for posting that picture. It does my heart good--both that I am not alone and that you are secure and humble enough to post it. Way to go!

Debbie said...

Looking good! One space at a time :).

Anonymous said...

Ohh, pretty!

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