
Monday, March 10, 2008

Amazing Little

1. For three days in a row we have been reading from Susan Hunt's book My ABC Bible Verses at breakfast. Each day there is a verse and then a story about little Missy that illustrates the Truth.

2. As we have learned about Little's diagnosis over the years, one consistent thing we have been told is that her memory would be unreliable. She might understand a math concept today but be unable to do a problem tomorrow.

What do these have to do with each other?
Today we read letter C. Before reading the verse we reviewed the verses that went along with A and B.
I asked Little about the "A" verse. . . I said, "A...." and she said, "A soft answer turns away wrath."
Next I said, "B. . . Blessed" and she finished, "are the peacemakers."
I continued, "for they shall be . . . " and she cut in, "the sons of God."
She already knew C, "Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right."
Not to be outdone, Bubba yelled, "for this is right" right along with her!
What a joy!
What a blessing!


Marcie said...

That is funny that you have started that book. I have been reminded of it in the past few days and convicted that I need to do a better job of teaching them scripture. So, right now I will go pull out the book and put it on the table. Good job, Kicklighters!

Anonymous said...

How awesome and what glory and praises to God for all that He has done!

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