
Saturday, February 2, 2008


The snow started at 11:30AM on Thursday and within an hour I couldn't see the ground. They closed the school at 3:00PM and honey was home within the hour - what a treat. Work was cancelled Friday due to the 8 INCHES that fell! Little woke up saying, "I'll go outside in the snoooooow!" So, we bundled up and headed out.
Little loved it and just marched right out after her dad. She stood in one place and picked up handfulls and threw them into the air over and over! Bubba didn't like it much. It did come up to his knees, mind you, but the only times he smiled was when his dad threw snowballs and hit his back or knees. A direct hit to Bubba's face ended the day and sent everyone inside to the melodious cries of a wounded 2 year old - no, he was fine physically - just his pride was wounded!

1 comment:

Jawan said...

I love it when Becky gets on a blogging tangit...lots to read!

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