
Saturday, February 2, 2008

She's Crafty

So I found this neat idea online for a glueless craft time. Can't remember where I read it so I can't give you a link, but basically it just talked about the fact that if you tape some clear contact paper onto the frig your toddler can stick whatever onto it - glue free - and then you can put a second piece of contact paper over it and have something to frame, etc.
Well, I just happened to have 4 year old clear contact paper in the basement and so we stuck shiny red dots all over it today and are using the result for valentines for Little's class. Little lost interest after a surprising 10 minutes but Bubba stuck with it until all 250 shiny dots had been stuck. He made sure each one was placed symmetrically onto the paper - he is a nut. I must say I had just as much fun as he and my compulsion for symmetry was unnerving to say the least.

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