
Sunday, February 17, 2008

Miss Shelley

If you were choosing to post one of these, which would you post?
#1 (Also known as "Mom I forgot my lipstick")
That's not really the point. . .
We moved here in 2002 and so did my friend, Shelley. She and I worked in the same building although I was but a lowly admin. assistant and she a high up -- what WAS her title? All I know is that now we both have new titles: her's includes "Dean" and mine is now "Mommy". We have been friends now for 5 1/2 years - that's fun, really.

Miss Shelley was Little's very first babysitter. Miss Shelley was the only friend to attend Little's second birthday party. Little still believes that Miss Shelley is HER friend and comes to see HER! It's debatable (smile).

This weekend Miss Shelley came out to visit and brought a buffet for lunch. There were pb&j sandwiches, chips, cheezits, strawberries!, applesauce, and raisins. . AND 100 calorie packs of oreos or fudge stripe cookies for dessert. My kids were in mini-heaven. Little walked around all day today saying, "Miss Shelley can bring you a special lunch again!!" We'll see.

It was great to have adult conversation during naptime. Great to talk about what God is doing in us and the world around us. AND to top it all off Miss Shelley drove back out west that night to go to the movies with me. What a friend. What a blessing.

We love you, Miss Shelley.

In this picture it is important to note that Little is reading a cookbook and Miss Shelley is reading Karen Katz, Where is Baby's Valentine. Hmm, Dean, eh?


Anonymous said...

Believe it or not. Years ago I had a neighbor with a toddler daughter - I would visit across the street daily. Mom and daughter vied for MY time. We finally settled it with 15 minutes with Little A in HER room and then a beer with Mom after. Little A is 29 now and engaged to be married!
Ah, memories.......

Anonymous said...

Becky, you are the sweetest. I LOVE this post and these pictures of us / me with the girls. What a great memory of a great day. :) The pressure's on for the next lunch you!

Debbie said...

How wonderful to have such a fun friend who loves your children as much as you! What movie did you see?