
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Just Another Day

IF you had dropped by our little abode today, this is what you would have found. . .

Bubba "doing my math"
It's interesting to watch how much Spiderman can increase the fun factor for Math.

KB colored a page in her book, took scraps from whatever it was I was working on and cutting up and glued them one on top of the other, and then cut shapes out of the pile.  She was busy for AGES.

Little was in Bubba's room playing BOTH Leapters.  Here's a picture in case you just don't believe me:
And notice the "Barbie Machine" is not too far away.

Just another day at the Blue Hutch!


Anonymous said...

It's the bathing suit I'm noticing. Did you not say it was snowing in St. Louis yesterday? MM

This Place is a Disaster! said...

AND in the bathing suit,none the less!!!!!

Julia said...

I heart Little tag teaming the leapsters which were both charging at the same time!