
Monday, October 4, 2010

My First Bag

Last week I was greeted at Bible Study by my friend Arianna.  Arianna is a pretty soft spoken gal, so when she launched into an excited description of a project that was "just right for" me, I took notice.

The project was a reusable snack bag.  She had bought one at the Farmer's Market and showed me how simple it was.  I stuck the bag into my purse and decided I would give it a look later in the week.

I did take a look and then I bought some liner the next day and some Velcro too.  Tonight I sewed it together.  I found a tutorial online to help with sewing details and then, with only five trips from the porch to the computer, I made my first bag! EVER.

I know it's simple and basic and far from perfect, but I faced my fear of sewing bags and I am pumped.  I'm still intimidated by the thought of a zipper, though, so I think I will perfect this version before moving on to zippers and button holes. 

Thanks for the challenge, Arianna.  This bags for you!


Debbie said...

Looks cute. Do you eat Polly Pockets for snack?

amy said...

where is the linkage for those of us wanting to follow in your footsteps (and who are also scared of buttons and zippers)?

Ariana said...

Well of course I LOVE it! And I think you're on to some great stocking stuffers!!!

annaj said...

I'm Ariana
I like cute bags
I am resourceful
So check me out!

Spartan spirit!