
Thursday, September 2, 2010

More First Days

Monday found our youngest heading out for the first day of Toddler Time.  T2, as I like to call it, is our church's mother's morning out program and KB will be attending two days a week this year.  It's like pre-preschool.  She wore red because the first week's focus was the color red.  We now have a beautifully dot-painted picture of Clifford the Big Red Dog on our frig and there is no doubt what's red around the house.

Mrs. Kelli and Mrs. Jennifer are KB's teacher's this week.  Mrs. Kelli's daughter, Alexis is in Bubba's class downstairs and Mrs. Jennifer heads up our nursery ministry at church.  They are both super and I can't wait to see how KB grows over the course of the year.

Another first for Monday. . . it was Honey's first seminary class. . . TO TEACH!!

That's right folks - Honey is  assisting in the teaching of a class and he's really excited about it.  Dr. Burns, the Professor already used a couple of Honey's points of input and had Honey handle the question/discussion time in class.  Honey's cute about it.  I am thrilled for him.

Our friend, April, is in the class.  I'll have to see how she thinks things go. . .

This was also my first day at home with no children for 2.5 hours.  I changed all the sheets and then sat in my clean house and soaked up it's cleanliness, knowing that it would be dirty within 3 min. of the children returning home.  Sigh.  It was.


  1. Oh my goodie goodness...could KB be any scrumpdillyumpcious? Adorable!

  2. Dr Burns and I ministered together in our youth program in the 1970's... we are both very old! Tell Bob hi for me and what fun that my friends can work together!

  3. So the photo with KB and her two teachers looks as if KB knows a lot more than those ladies! I heart that one.

  4. Sometimes on house cleaning day, after the kids are in bed, I just sit on my couch with a glass of red wine and a piece of dark chocolate savoring the cleanliness and quiet. :)
