
Sunday, June 20, 2010

God Working In Australia - SO FUN!

In 1998 I moved to Brisbane, Australia and lived there for two years working with University students and a super team. I loved those two years and saw God do really wonderful things. My friend, Cath, just sent me the link to this video (see if you see me in it) and it did my heart well to see that God is at work in Australia and around the world. Praise Him!


stephanie said...

You are under the big yellow smiley face in a group picture somewhere after the 4 minute mark...WHAT DO I WIN FROM THE BLUE HUTCH? I really am fond of those pajamas...size 4,6 or 8. Hee, hee...

Seriously, so fun to watch and encouraging. Perspective is always good :) Always glad to be reminded of the nations.

Andy and Brooke Cheely said...

How appropriate that you are under the smiley face. If this were Facebook I would like this twice.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Becky for sharing this. I miss you and the happy times we spent together. Thank you for sharing Jesus with Me! One day we will see each other and be able to catch up on the fun times we had :-)

Love Brooke M.

Helen said...

There is one very, very old photo of me in there! That makes me want to go back to Uni ministry...or maybe it's just how hard ministry is in the bush.

ruthanne said...

made me cry! how wonderful to see the Lord continuing to bless that ministry! i'm proud to have been there at the beginning. gonna go put it on my blog now!

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