
Monday, November 16, 2009

My Father's World

Yesterday the children choirs led worship at our church. We've been talking about it for weeks at our house because it was Bubba's first time to participate and well, we know what happened last time Little "sang" with the choir. Honey and I were positioned up front and on the aisle so that we could have easy access if a rescue were required.

They did GREAT. The leaders put Little and Bubba right beside each other and I think that made a difference in their comfort level - - although they don't look the least bit aware of each other. Bubba sang every word and Little did interpretive dance throughout. Watching my two little ones with special brains do something like this is always cause to worship for me.

After the singing was over they filed off the risers and out to children's church - everyone but Bubba filed. He walked to the edge of the stage and jumped down. Landed on his knees. Stood up and grinned at everyone and walked out. I missed it but Honey said it was hilarious. (and worshipful, I'm sure.)


amy said...

so precious!

Anonymous said...

Father, we adore you. . .thank you for this moment in the lives of the Kiclighters. MM

Debbie said...

Watching children sing always brings tears to my eyes :). So sweet!

Anonymous said...

I LOOOOVE that!! Too cute. Little is quite the dancer! Love you guys! MO

Anonymous said...

This was always one of my favorite Kirk traditions! I love seeing your kids up there. Thanks for sharing Becky!

Laura said...

sooooooo PRECIOUS!! I love love love it.

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