
Friday, November 20, 2009

10+ Thoughts

1. I ended the day with so many spots on my clothes. I don't know what got into me today, but apparently not as much as what got on me.

2. Little's scrapbook is now caught up through last Christmas. My goal is to have all four books done through Christmas 2008 before 2010 starts - 3 down and 1 to go.

3. I made a Candy Cane Kiss Cheesecake today with three "helpers". At one point I was stirring blind so that everyone else could see. When it came out of the oven I put it on the wire rack to cool and went to check on someone making a noise that begged for investigation. When I walked back into the kitchen, KB was standing on a chair with a knife in her hand and repeatedly stabbing my cheesecake. So many things to say on this one but I cannot so I won't.

4. Just spent 2.5 days with my brother and his family. I wish it could have been 2.5 weeks.

5. I get my stitches out on Tuesday. Yea!

6. The sister of my college friend died suddenly today. So many things to say on this one but I cannot so I won't.

7. I overheard a group of employees at Michaels saying how they would all be better off at Walmart. Made me giggle.

8. Honey is going to an NFL game on Sunday and has super seats. He is so excited. This is something he has wanted to do since we moved here. Now if only our local team didn't stink.

9. I should go to bed but I cherish the quiet.

10. I was chosen by to host this party. We are having it . . . tonight. I didn't get chosen for the Martha Stewart Crafting party or the Nestle Tollhouse Cookie Swap Party - no, I was chosen for the Safety and Lights Party. I have worked myself up into a bit of a tizzy over the whole thing, but I think it is because I haven't worked out the details and it's technically Saturday already. The theme is lame, if you ask me, and I have let it bog me down a bit. Maybe we'll just watch Christmas Vacation and eat butchered Candy Cane Kisses Cheesecake and I'll say, "Don't be like that guy. Be safe this Christmas!"

11. We were asked to read the Advent reading in church in December. I think that this is hilarious and wonderful. Everyone should start praying NOW that the kiddos cooperate.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I must say that the cheesecake comment made me smile--so sorry about that! I hope it tastes good even with the stab marks :). Glad you had fun with your family this week, too. I hope Honey enjoys the game--our NFL team stinks, too.

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