
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Whilst at Walmart - New Phase

If you have read this blog for any amount of time there are a few things you know to be true about me.

1. I have a thing about tshirts.
2. I have a thing about jammies.
3. I am a bit sentimental.

I was shopping at Walmart this past week and soaking in the atmosphere. Christmas aisles were being stocked and there was a touch of anticipation in the air. I ran into several friends from last year's stint as a checker and we chatted and laughed. Then I set about trying to find everything on my list in this new and gargantuan store.

A major item on my list was jammies. I planned to get a pair for each of the children. Little is growing out of her's faster than you can say "Bob's your uncle", Bubba only has a pair or two, and the size KB needs are in Mississippi with a dear friend. I quickly found a wall of options for KB, made my selection, and set off to make my other choices.

This is where it gets a bit hard to talk. *sniff*

See, my thing about jammies is this: I like my kiddos' jammies to be adorable. I like them to look like little angels in their jammies - my little babies.

Little has moved out of the toddler section of sizes - she JUST did. Looking in the little girl section I found one pair of precious polka dot jammies. Other than that the pickings were slim I tell you. Bubba is in 5T jammies and that means he is soon to be a toddler-no-more. I looked around and was surprised to see that what's offered for the male non-toddler are jammies with characters all over them. Seriously - Bubba will have to sleep with Sponge Bob on his chest or a Transformer on his belly and Little will have to breathe fairy dust or sleep with princesses. I am not ready for this.

Now, I know there are options; potentially pricey alternatives. My commitment to bedtime cuteness will cause me to persevere and search out a frugal way to have my children sleep in angel wear.

I have a dream. But my dream won't become a reality whilst at Walmart.


This Place is a Disaster! said...

Last year I got cute jammies for the older ones at Sears. They look like long johns, but they are so cute on their little butts and skinny legs! Best part - Plain plain, plain!
Today I saw some cutesy ones at Target too. THey had a good variety of "chrachter" and "cutesy"

Allison said...

I'm wiht you B! I bought neily those smae polka dot jammies from the girl section. I planned on walking away with a few more options but oh well! Kohls sometimes has some really cute-non character jammies.
Hope you are feeling better!

stephanie said...

A lot of comments this week, I know...Target, Carters or Osh Kosh Outlet, and actually Chocolate Soup (when you go during their sale) have cute ones at reasonable costs. I love jammies too :) I too steer clear of characters :)

annaj said...

i feel like i have failed in motherhood

Kitty said...

I hate to ditto, but you're going to have to buy from Target. Even the big kids have footie jams right now and they're not sponge bob.

Allison said...

hey! get your mom to head to Kohls- they have adorable ones, and carters cute girls all the way up to a 10. I got all of abby's there this year! you could also look online- they've been running some great sales for online shopping!

Amanda said...

I like Target too. They had some very cute Christmas polka dot ones recently...

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