It was KB's birthday week, Little had a field trip, and Honey had an EARLY morning meeting which meant I would have to take Bubba to school too if everyone was going to arrive in a timely manner. AND I forgot to stop at the grocery store the night before which meant a quick run would have to take place in the AM hours as well.
Little got on the bus and I ran to the car where Bubba and KB were already strapped in. We zoomed off to Schnucks and the three of us ran inside to grab 8 bananas. We flew back to the van and dashed off to Bubba's school. Thankfully his teacher was waiting at the curb so I quickly handed him off and returned to the driver's seat. I cut up bananas and then, while I drove through the parking lot I stuck lollipop sticks in them. Dropped KB off with her birthday goodies, drove to meet Little at the pumpkin patch, left early to go pick KB up from Toddler Time, zoomed over to pick Little up from her now completed field trip, and rushed home to meet Bubba's bus and fix lunch.
Okay, that was a little off the subject, but now you are thinking, "What a committed mom!" or "She is such a planner." I was thinking, "This mom should be committed." and "Why didn't I plan better and plan ahead?" No woman should cut and stick bananas in a moving vehicle.
All's well that ends well they say. So now for photos.
As I mentioned before, we had a whole monkey theme going since Honey calls KB our "Monkey".
I made little chocolate covered vanilla sandwich cookies for each child.

Packed up a little box and prayed there were only 8 kids in the class.

I had said I would do snack but realized that one cookie just wasn't going to hack it. That's where the banana idea came in. Everyone got the banana for snack and the cookie went home in their bag.

I don't have any pictures from the morning because my camera was with me at the pumpkin patch field trip. Still, the Toddler Time administrator took some great shots for me and it going to send them over. Thanks Shari!!
Happy Birthday, Monkey!

I thought the monkey cookies were adorable! Great idea about the bananas on a stick, too. Owen came home from Toddler Time that day talking about KB's birthday and singing the birthday song about her. Today he talked about how she wasn't there...hope she's feeling better soon!
Okay, those monkey cookies are amazingly cute. They look professionally made AND packaged. How in the world do you have time to do that????????? God has obviously gifted you!!!!!!
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