
Saturday, September 5, 2009

End of the week randoms:

1. I saw Julie and Julia with my friend Amy this week and LOVED it. Amy adores cooking and, I recently learned, loves movies, so we are meant to grow closer! We had a great time and both left wanting to read a biography on Julia Child and convinced neither of us were going to bone a duck any time soon.

2. Went to Trader Joe's today to get gluten free rolls for a friend we were taking dinner to. They have child size carts there and since Little was the only child with me, she had cart duty. She did masterfully - had to concentrate pretty hard, but found the where-with-all to look up any time we passed anyone to tell them, "I have my own cart. It's short like me." She used a silver cart today but hopes to use a red one next time we visit.

3. Little awoke at 4:00AM today (this is the third or fourth day of waking before 5:00AM) and did not go back to sleep - neither did I. This has to stop. Pray now.

4. We have watched two DVDs of The Big Bang Theory and I must tell you that I laugh out loud EVERY episode.

5. Thursday night I went to a seminar entitled, "Organizing with Autism in Mind". It was so good. I cannot wait to get my hands on some file folders and the stack of paper by my desk.

6. The last element of my fall schedule begins this week (Bible Study) and I will finally be able to feel out what a week is going to look like. That's nice.

7. I actually stopped a lady in the mall today to ask her where she found her daughter's shirt.

8. I fell asleep on the couch yesterday while my children were watching their 30 min. video after nap time. The phone rang, scaring me to death, and I answered the remote control.

9. I stopped just now to think of what to type for number nine and actually dozed off.

10. I think I cooked REAL meals six nights this week. A banner week for me: six meals, one clean bathroom, and a clean floor upstairs. What will next week hold?


Dawn said...

We love Big Bang Theory, too! We Tivo current episodes and just got Season 1.

Anonymous said...

Daniel and I really enjoyed # 8!

Jo Ann

Allison said...

number 8 made me laugh out loud!!

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