
Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Honey took the day off last Thursday. Little had testing for her new school and I couldn't find a sitter. It was the kids' first full day off school so he took the whole day off and we went out for a festive family breakfast.

Upon arriving home, Honey set about switching the girls' bedrooms. We have been contemplating this change for a while now and May 28 was the big day. KB is in real need of some self discipline and learning to play by herself. Her room has been upstairs and that has made "room time" (as we call it) a bit more difficult. Well, now she is on the main floor and her life is about to change.

Little LOVES her "new room". I can remember very FEW times she ever played in her room downstairs, but she has declared her new room "cozy" and disappears regularly to go and play there.

We need to paint a bit and hang stuff on the walls, but it's nice to have the big stuff done. Right, honey?

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