
Monday, June 15, 2009

Shakespeare in the Park

There is SO MUCH to do where we live! I love that. The down side is that often times we don't make the time to do them. So, when I realized that it was Shakespeare in the Park time, I thought of friends who might enjoy the venture and went proactively about making it happen.

My friend Amy was a theatre major and so I assumed she would get into watching a comedy by Shakespeare under the stars. I was right. It was her husband who wasn't too sure *wink*. In the end, six of us met in Forest Park, had a picnic dinner to die for, chatted for two hours before the show started and then laughed ourselves silly at the Merry Wives of Windsor. It was such a good time! Jason even stayed awake!

(The weather was amazing! June 7 and we got a bit chilly as the sun went down. Could NOT have asked for more.)


annaj said...

you have a babysitter?

Kitty said...

Why am I not shocked Amy was a theater major? :)