
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Facebook Payoffs

Back in MARCH, I played along in a little taggy thing on Facebook. I responded to my friend, Meagan, so that she would make me something and that meant I had to make something for five folks too. The commitment went something like this,

"I will make something...for YOU! The first five people to respond to this post will get something made by me. This offer does have some restrictions so please read carefully:- I make no guarantees that you will like what I make.- What I create will be just for YOU.- It will be done this year (2009).- It will be something made in the real world and not something over the Internet.- It might be a mix CD, homemade hot sauce, an original photograph, poem, baked goods, or a photograph of a poem about baked goods and hot sauce...who knows!"
Well, needless to say, I forgot all about the fact that I "owed" a homemade somethin' to Jawan, Andy, Amanda, Allison, Amy and Erika (because I am sweet and said I would include her even though she was #6). Jawan recently just happened to send me an email asking if she was supposed to be making me something or vice versa (nice hint) and now I am in full swing preparation mode.

In His ever-so-cool way, God has worked it out that a friend was at a baby shower in Atlanta with Amy and took her the "thing" I made just for her!!!

Erika is driving through town this weekend, I will see Allison, Andy and Amanda while visiting Memom. Jawan's "thing" is the only one I will need to mail and it is the easiest to mail! In a world where every penny counts, I think this is awfully kind of our Lord!

Here's one other "thing" I finished. I'm not going to tell who it's for. . . don't want to ruin that surprise.

And just remember, the write up on Facebook DID say, " I make no guarantees that you will like what I make." Just don't tell me if you don't . . .


amy said...

i LOVE mine!!! it is sitting on my counter above my sink--so obviously, i see it often. :)

thanks again!

Debbie said...

I am obviously missing out on the Facebook world. I have decided I just don't have time in my life to blog AND Facebook :).

Jawan said...

Oh, I can't wait...hmmmmm...wonder what I'll make for you.

Megan said...

Good job, Becky. I guess I still owe you something. I thought about that the other day and then quickly forgot about it again...

Anonymous said...

What IS the very attractive surprise gift displayed for us? MM