
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles - no ships!

The idea has been tossed out that a few of us who were really close in high school should take a big trip to celebrate a big birthday in a couple of years. A cruise was the first suggestion, but while riding around curves o'plenty last week, it hit me like a ton of upchuck that I get REAL motion sick. REALLY easily.

Have any of you been on cruises? Is motion sickness an issue?

Where would you go to celebrate with three of your oldest (as in length of time you've known them - not age) and dearest friends???

In the spirit of this potential journey, I have added a new "travel widget" with a "travel picture of the day". Maybe it will provide inspiration!


This Place is a Disaster! said...

One of my best friends moved to Germany for 2009-2010. She has a house with a basement apartment and a guest house out back (she is not money bags, he's in the military- so it's just paid for by your taxes!)Anyway, I could hook you up if you go there!

stephanie said...

"A big birthday" - I am still laughing at how you described that...hee, hee...that must be 29, right?

jessica said...

Don't go on a cruise if you get motion sickness. I am not sure what to recommend instead of a cruise but i will think on it. I have a friend who hardly ever gets MS and she was sick the whole time on her cruise.

Tracie said...

I have a friend who gets motion sickness. She was fine on her cruise. I have been on four cruises, and the best I can tell you to avoid motion sickness is to book on the largest ship, take a short cruise or one that makes frequent stops, book a room on the lowest deck possible and as much to the middle as you can get. Also, I have seen people who wear these little patches behind their ear the whole cruise who are extremely sick otherwise. They have told me they are just fine. You can't beat the value of the cruise as well as the food. I LOVE Royal Caribbean in case you are wondering.

Anonymous said...

I have lots of motion sickness in the car if I we knew motion sickness would be a problem for me. What we did was take dramamine (Sp?) two weeks before and during the cruise, and we got those gray motion sickness bracelets with the pressure point. I only had one day of sickness but that was due to this green colored pudding consistency stuff that smelled like fish (bad mistake). Anyway the cruise was great!! Cousin Cheely in Laurens, SC

Glenda said...

Becky, I've been on 4 cruises and although each are different in their own way, they are all the greatest as to the amount of fun available!! GO FOR IT!!! I agree with the comment about booking on the lower level, towards the middle, that helps a lot. I've not been troubled by motion sickness so can't claim a cure all for that, but can attest to the fun we had. I'm actually ready to hit the high seas again. Not knowing how many days you'd actually want to be gone, a three to five day cruise out in the Caribbean would be fun with gals. I might check that one out myself!!!:):) Keep us posted, love, Glenda

Kitty said...

Some of my girlfriends and I have been having the same discussions concerning our big birthday. We just love the beach. Seafood. Slow pace. Books, water, and warm weather.
Actually, it depends on what time of year.
Disney? Good golly I love disneyworld.