
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Retreat Report

24 hours away to learn about hospitality.
It seems a good time was had by all.

Margie Haack led us to Truth through readings, movie clips, small group discussion, and personal Bible study - something for everyone.  The time was so rich.  What a challenge to consider hospitality as more than having people into one's home - it's about the heart.  It's about creating a safe place whether it be in your living room or in the line at Starbucks.

Jean Bronson, Leader of Women's Ministry and
Margie Haack of Ransom Fellowship

Not only did we learn, we did some playin'!
This is my friend, Jennifer, explaining to everyone that they WOULD be having fun!

Here's a picture of everyone having fun!
We played human bingo - you know, when you run around and have folks sign in a square that applies to them.  I signed such squares as "Owns a Michael Jackson album" and "Has read all 7 Harry Potter books".

This is Shannon - she won a gift bag because 17 (more than anyone else) of the squares applied to her - 17!!!! She got up and read us the 17 things that applied to her - what a good sport.
(And, yes, that is my friend Jennifer again - this time with green sparkle hair.  What a crack-up.)

Honey did a great job with the kids.  I arrived back home to all children in one piece, the house no worse for wear, and a husband who looked happy and  rested.  I am so proud of him - and thankful to him for making it possible for me to go away. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did Jennifer really have to get such a mean-on to talk about having fun? Boy, was she serious about y'all having fun or what?

I pity anyone who didn't have fun and had to deal with Jennifer. Heh, heh, heh.


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