
Wednesday, July 16, 2008


My brother and sister in law arrive today.
My mom arrives tomorrow.
My father and mother in law arrive on Saturday.

I leave on Friday and return on Sunday.

My mom leaves on Tuesday.
My brother and sister in law leave on Thursday.
My father and mother in law leave on Friday.

My friend Bridget took Bubba and Little to her house all morning today so I could clean.
My downstairs looks and smells better than it has in 9 months.

KB has a 103.2 temperature.

I haven't had a shower.

The upstairs is a pig pen.

I need to clean the upstairs and then myself.
The laundry can wait until my mom gets here - she'll talk to me while I iron!


Allison said...

This must be when "I need a drink" is heard around your house, huh?

Debbie said...

Wow--you will have a house full and you won't even be there to enjoy it! Hope your week away is good and that you enjoy the crazy wonderfulness of a house full of family :).

Anonymous said...

That made me tired....

Anonymous said...

I agree with April.... Mo

Anonymous said...

I hope your time away is a time of encouragement, rest, learning, new friends and hope. I will pray to that end! And that Jeremy will survive it all! :o) Marcie

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