My big brother is a music man (Harold Hill). Ever since I was little I remember that he knew the words to all the songs, could sing be-u-tifully, and I wanted to be just like him. I actually had the goal in elementary school that one day I would know all the words to any given song that came on the radio. This goal has come in handy while playing the new song version of Catch Phrase, but I digress. The only problem with a goal like this is that people keep writing songs (that make the whole world sing) and I keep getting older and losing brain cells. So, somewhere around 1997 (at the latest) I fell WAY behind.
Just a week or so ago I was whining to my brother over Skype (he lives on the other side of the planet - literally) about how I didn't know any Christian music anymore outside of Bob and Larry's Sunday School songs and Steve Green's Hide 'Em in Your Heart. I asked him to give me a list of his favorites at present - which he did. Then he went a step further and today sent me straight to Rocks in My Dryer where Shannon is giving away a boatload of CDs this week. (This is, I read that blog daily - send snipits to my mom DAILY - and my BROTHER beat me to this post. Must have something to do with the other side of the planet, time changes, etc.) Anyway, all I have to do for this giveaway is put a link to Wow Hits 1 on my blog (and there it is) and I am officially entered. This could be huge!!!
Just to make sure no one misses it:
Just a week or so ago I was whining to my brother over Skype (he lives on the other side of the planet - literally) about how I didn't know any Christian music anymore outside of Bob and Larry's Sunday School songs and Steve Green's Hide 'Em in Your Heart. I asked him to give me a list of his favorites at present - which he did. Then he went a step further and today sent me straight to Rocks in My Dryer where Shannon is giving away a boatload of CDs this week. (This is, I read that blog daily - send snipits to my mom DAILY - and my BROTHER beat me to this post. Must have something to do with the other side of the planet, time changes, etc.) Anyway, all I have to do for this giveaway is put a link to Wow Hits 1 on my blog (and there it is) and I am officially entered. This could be huge!!!
Just to make sure no one misses it:
And there you go.
And if you would like me to sing "Slip Sliding Away" for you, or any other late 70's or 80's tune, pick up the phone!
And there you go.
And if you would like me to sing "Slip Sliding Away" for you, or any other late 70's or 80's tune, pick up the phone!
I think it's funny that there is a sight called Rocks in my Dryer!!!
Sounds familiar!
How can you just leave me standing
Alone in the world so cold . . .
I read Rocks in my Dryer daily as well - how bizarre is that? I entered earlier today for the WOW collection. I hope YOU win - if I do, I'll record it all on my iPod and you can have the CD's.
How's that?
You have a sense of humor just like my daughter. I love to laugh.
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