"My dad is the best dad ever that you could hope to find. My dad always seems to know when somethings on my mind. And sometimes when I do something wrong that he did as a little guy, he has to be stern with me, buy I can see the twinkle in his eye. "
Now, I can't say my daddy's eyes twinkled while disciplining me (roll eyes) or that he did one thing that I did wrong when he was growing up (fat chance) but my daddy IS the best dad ever!!
My daddy gives the best hugs EVER and he has a way of knowing when I need one.
My daddy has the faith of Moses and has taught me how to look to Jesus and trust and hope - then act.
My daddy shows his love through serving - something I didn't get until I was grown. Oh, what love he has for me.
My daddy loves my kids and prays for them with fervor. My kids know and love their Pop and have already been forever changed by his faith, service and love.
You know what else? My daddy just spent the week at General Assembly and shared a room with my honey. He called Honey to say, "I have our room all lined up." Isn't that AWESOME!!
My daddy's favorite thing is for us all to be together! So, look behind you daddy. . .
No, we aren't there but wouldn't that have been super cool? Definitely would have won the best Father's Day gift of the year award. Still, know I wish I was right there to get one of those hugs I love so much.
Yeah, my daddy is the best daddy ever that I could hope to find . . . for me.
No, we aren't there but wouldn't that have been super cool? Definitely would have won the best Father's Day gift of the year award. Still, know I wish I was right there to get one of those hugs I love so much.
Yeah, my daddy is the best daddy ever that I could hope to find . . . for me.
Happy Father's Day, Daddy. I love you.

I saw him at GA - and he hugged me with one of his big, wonderful hugs.
It made me smile the rest of the day...
i love your daddy too :) he's one of my all-time favorite men
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