
Saturday, May 31, 2008

a GREAT day

The day started off super great. Honey let me go to yard sales ALL BY MYSELF! And the blessing poured in. I went looking for shirts for Bubba and hit the $.50 jackpot! Was also hoping to find puzzles - another $.50 jackpot.
This picture shows the biggest blessing of them all. 7 puzzles, and 6 packages of diapers! All the diapers are size 5-6 which is amazing really. Little's delayed potty training skills mean that this is the perfect size! And these are training pants - the kind that get cold when you wet them. Each pack had one or two diapers missing and sold for $3, $2, and $1 a pack. Two packs are swimming diapers and I paid $.75 for 8 diapers. Unbelievable. 3 dresses, silicon cupcake thingies, 3 books, an unopened set of twin sheets, and motion sickness bracelets! FOR PETE's SAKE.

I think I spent $45 this morning but the return was exponentially more. Thank you, Lord.

The next five hours were spent with dear friends visiting from out of town. They are here for vacation, visiting lots of different friends they have. (We joke that Mrs. McGinnis is the strand that holds the PCA together because she knows EVERYONE!) It was such a treat to get to play and picnic at the park together and then hang out while the kids napped.

Then I found KB doing this:Wish you could have seen her cut her eyes up at me and smirk. She knew what she was doing was a no-no and she was loving it! Depravity in one so young.

The night ended with Honey at a ballgame and me playing Bunko. I came home with a Pampered Chef orange peeler and small spatula. It was a lot of fun tonight. The perfect ending to a GREAT day.


Anonymous said...

Awesome deal! Way to go.--Marcie

Anonymous said...

Awwww, man! I wish I'd been there - wait a minute - 6 kids? uhmmmmmm....that's a lot for an introvert!
Glad you guys got to see each other!.What fun.
Love, ~Mad

Jawan said...

Well, you got the orange peeler you wanted, huh? We had such a good time at your house....let's do it again!

Anonymous said...

Ahh, I love garage sales!

Debbie said...

I have never been able to find the deals like you! Way to go!

I love the picture of KB. I have a similar one with H with her hand in a box of Cheezits. :)